Ioga Hatha trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg – croeso i bawb!
Ymunwch â ni i weithio trwy jattis (symudiadau cynhesu), kriyas (symudiadau ag anadl), asanas (ymddaliadau llonydd) a phranayama (gwaith ynni / anadl) i ddatblygu cryfder, hyblygrwydd a llonyddwch i ffwrdd o ofynion y dydd.
Ar ôl astudio Ioga yn nhraddodiad Gitananda gyda’r ‘Yoga Satsanga Ashram’ – dwi’n cynnig dosbarth a ddylanwadir gan y traddodiadau clasurol hyn, yn ogystal ag elfennau o fy mywyd ac arfer bob dydd.
Mae’r dosbarth hwn yn addas i bawb. Bydd arfer rheolaidd yn gwella eich cryfder, eich hyblygrwydd, eich cydbwysedd ac iechyd cyffredinol – ond nid oes angen i chi fod yn hyblyg i fynychu!
Bydd y dosbarth yn Gymraeg, ond mae croeso i ddysgwyr ymuno – bydd taflennu gwybodaeth ar gael gyda rhai geiriau ac ymadroddion defnyddiol.
Cost dosbarth yw £6 y person neu £30 (£5 y dosbarth) ar gyfer bloc o 6 dosbarth pan gaiff ei dalu ymlaen llaw. Os hoffech gael lle galw heibio, cysylltwch â mi ar ddiwrnod y dosbarth i wirio a oes lle ar gael.
Dewch â mat, blanced a chlustog os oes gennych chi – bydd ychydig o fatiau sbâr ar gael os bydd angen.
Hatha Yoga through the medium of Welsh – everyone welcome!
Join us to work through jattis (warm-up movements), kriyas (movements with breath), asanas (held postures) and pranayama (breath work) to cultivate a sense of inner stillness and balance away from the demands of the day.
Having studied Yoga in the Gitananda tradition at the Yoga Satsanga Ashram – this class is influenced by these wonderful classical yogic traditions, as well as drawing on elements from my own daily life and practice.
This class is suitable for all. Regular practice will improve your strength, flexibility, balance and general health – but you do not need to be flexible to attend!
The class will be in Welsh, and learners are more than welcome to join – a bilingual information sheet will be available with some practical words and phrases.
The class cost is £6 per person or £30 (£5 per class) for a 6-class block. If you would like a drop-in place, please contact me on class day to check that space is available.
Bring a mat, a cushion blanket if you have one – some spare mats will be available if needed.
Thanks to Pethau Penfro for sharing the info! Lots of other good stuff there for those of you living in the deep south west!