Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: Dydd Sadwrn 8fed Chwefror 2020 – Abergwaun

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: Dydd Sadwrn 8fed Chwefror 2020

Arweinydd: Siân Bowen

Byddwn yn gadael maes parcio’r dref (’Y Wesh’ – SM 954371; SA65 9NG; tâl) am 10:30yb

Y Daith
: Taith o amgylch Abergwaun (2½ milltir, hyd at 2½ awr) ar hyd rhan o lwybr Arfordir Cymru a llwybrau cyhoeddus eraill. Mae’r llwybrau yn gadarn (tarmac ar y cyfan) ond mae ambell fan yn serth.
Dim sticlau; esgyniad tua 360 troedfedd.

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb: Hanes Glaniad y Ffrancod 1797; hanes porthladd Wdig a rheilffordd Abergwaun; ymweld â cherrig Gorsedd Eisteddfod  Abergwaun 1936; cofeb D.J. Williams; carreg fedd Jemima Nicholas (arwres ‘Glaniad y Ffrancod’); golygfeydd godidog o harbwr Wdig a Chwm Abergwaun.

Cymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn:  Tafarn y Royal Oak.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: Saturday 8th February 2020

Leader: Siân Bowen

We’ll leave the town car park (West Street – SM 954371; SA65 9NG; charge) at 10:30am

The Walk: A walk around Fishguard (2½ miles, up to 2½ hours) along part of the Wales Coast Path and other public footpaths. The paths are firm (mostly tarmac) but there are some steep spots. No stiles; ascent about 360 feet.

Points of interest: The story of the French Landing 1797; the history of Goodwick port and Fishguard railway; visiting the Gorsedd stones of the 1936 Fishguard Eisteddfod; memorial to D.J. Williams; the tombstone of Jemima Nicholas (heroine of the ‘French Landing’); spectacular views of Goodwick harbor and the Fishguard Valley.

Afterwards socialize for refreshments: The Royal Oak.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi – Aber Afon Teifi – 14/12/19

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: Dydd Sadwrn 14 Rhagfyr 2019

Aber Afon Teifi

Arweinydd: Howard Williams

Gadael maes parcio’r Jiwbilî rhwng Patch a Gwbert (SN 163 493; Cod Post SA43 1PP) am 10:30.

Y Daith: Taith gylch o ryw ddwy awr a 2.75 milltir. Awn ni wrth ochr yr heol trwy Gwbert a lan y bryn i gyfeiriad y Ferwig, ar hyd y ffordd tuag at y Clwb Golff, dros y cwrs ar lwybr cyhoeddus, lawr i Waungelod a Nant y Ferwig ac yn ôl ar hyd yr heol. Mae palmant neu lwybr ar gael wrth ochr yr heol hon drwy gydol y daith.

Esgyniad: 270 troedfedd; sticlau: dim; ychydig o fwd ar ran fechan o’r daith.

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb: New Brighton; Plasty Towyn a’r beirdd; Ynys Aberteifi, ei llygod a’i llongddrylliadau; bywyd gwyllt yr aber; Pen yr Ergyd; golygfeydd trawiadol.

Cymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn: Gwesty Gwbert (wrth y fynedfa sy’n arwain at faes parcio Gwesty’r Cliff.)

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: Saturday 14 December 2019

Teifi Estuary

Leader: Howard Williams

Leave the Jubilee car park between Patch and Gwbert (SN 163 493; SA43 1PP Postcode) at 10:30.

The Walk: A circular walk of about two hours and 2.75 miles. We’ll go alongside the road through Gwbert and uphill towards Ferwig, along the road towards the Golf Club, over the course on a public footpath, down to Waungelod and Nant y Ferwig and back along the road. There is a pavement or path alongside this road throughout the walk.

Ascent: 270 feet; stiles: none; a little mud on a small part of the walk.

Points of interest: New Brighton; Towyn Mansion and the poets; Cardigan Island, its rats and its wrecks; the estuary wildlife; Pen yr Ergyd; stunning views.

Socialize for refreshments afterwards: Gwbert Hotel (at entrance to the Cliff Hotel car park.)

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi – Uwchben Llandudoch – 12 Hydref 2019

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: 12 Hydref 2019
Uwchlaw Llandudoch
Arweinydd: Terwyn Tomos

Byddwn yn gadael maes parcio Capel Blaenwaun, Llandudoch (SN 161 448; Cod post: SA43 3JL) am 10:30. 

Y Daith:  Taith gylch o ryw 3 milltir, tua dwy awr, ar lwybr ceffylau ac yn bennaf ar heolydd tawel. Ar ôl ymweliad ag adfeilion yn y coed cyfagos byddwn yn cerdded lan y llwybr ceffylau heibio Fferm Penwaun ac wedyn ar hyd y ffordd galed heibio Trenewydd i gyfeiriad Waunwhiod cyn mynd i lawr Cwm Degwel i groesffordd Pen-cwm lle trown i’r dde ac yn ôl i’r maes parcio. Efallai y tociwn ychydig ar y daith drwy groesi’r caeau rhwng ffermydd Penwaun a Colwyn. Dim sticlau; esgyniad: 280 troedfedd (yn bennaf wrth gerdded y llwybr ceffylau); ychydig o fwd ar ôl tywydd gwlyb yn enwedig wrth y gatiau ar y llwybr ceffylau (ac ar y caeau os awn ni ar eu traws); fel arfer rhaid cadw cŵn ar dennyn (defaid a cheffylau).

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb: hanes sy’n gysylltiedig â Rhos Gerdd (enw’r adfeilion);  hanes Mallt Williams o blas Pantsaeson, cymwynaswraig fawr i’r Gymraeg yn lleol a chenedlaethol; brwydr Llandudoch (rhwng y Cymry a’r Normaniaid rywle yn yr ardal hon); bedyddfan awyr agored Blaenwaun; golygfeydd godidog.

Cymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn: y Cartws neu Dafarn y Ferry yn Llandudoch.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: 12 October 2019
Above St. Dogmaels
Leader: Terwyn Tomos

We’ll leave Capel Blaenwaun car park, St Dogmaels (SN 161 448; Postcode: SA43 3JL) at 10:30.

The Walk: A circular walk of about 3 miles, about two hours, on a bridleway and mostly on quiet roads. After a visit to ruins in the nearby woods we will walk up the bridleway past Penwaun Farm and then along the hard road past Trenewydd towards Waunwhiod before going down Cwm Degwel to the Pencwm crossroads where we’ll turn right and back to the car park. We may shorten the walk a bit by crossing the fields between Penwaun and Colwyn farms. No stiles; ascent: 280 feet (mainly when walking the bridleway); a little mud after wet weather especially at the gates on the bridleway (and on the fields if we go across them); as usual, dogs must be kept on a lead (because of sheep and horses).

Points of interest: the history associated with Rhos Gerdd (name of the ruins); the story of Mallt Williams of Pantsaeson mansion, who was a great benefactor of the Welsh language locally and nationally; the battle of St. Dogmaels (between the Welsh and the Normans somewhere in this area); Blaenwaun outdoor baptism pool; magnificent views.

Socializing for refreshments afterwards: the Coach House or the Ferry Inn in St Dogmaels.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi – Ardal Wdig

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: 11 Mai 2019
Ardal Wdig
Arweinydd: Dafydd Davies

Byddwn yn gadael maes parcio (di-dâl) ‘Harbour Village’, Wdig (SM947 388; Cod post: SA64 0DX) am 10:30. Nid prif faes parcio’r pentref yw hwn: o gyfeiriad y fferi, trowch i’r chwith wrth y gyffordd uwchlaw a bron yn syth i’r dde (troad siarp lan y bryn); mae arwydd ffordd i’r maes parcio ar y chwith ar ôl rhyw hanner milltir.

Y Daith: Taith gylch o ryw 2½ milltir, tua dwy awr, ar lwybrau a thraciau yn ardal Wdig a Llanwnda. O’r maes parcio byddwn yn dilyn llwybrau i’r gogledd ac yna i’r gorllewin heibio Fferm Ciliau i gyrraedd Llanwnda cyn dychwelyd ar heol lonydd a thrac i’r maes parcio. Esgyniad: tua 150 o droedfeddi. 7 sticil.

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb: Hanes glaniad byddin y Ffrancod yn 1797, Siambr Gladdu Garn Wen a phentref Llanwnda.

Cymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn: Y Rose and Crown, Wdig (efallai bydd angen talu i barcio’n agos wrth Orsaf y Rheilffordd).

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: 11 May 2019
Goodwick Area
Leader: Dafydd Davies

We’ll leave the ‘Harbour Village’ (free) car park, Goodwick (SM947 388; Postcode: SA64 0DX) at 10:30. This is not the main car park of the village: from the ferry, turn left at the junction above and almost straight to the right (sharp bend up the hill); there is a road sign to the car park on the left after about half a mile.

The Walk: A circular walk of approximately 2½ miles, about two hours, on paths and tracks in the Goodwick and Llanwnda area. From the car park we’ll follow paths to the north and then to the west past Ciliau Farm to reach Llanwnda before returning on a quiet road and a track to the car park. Ascent: about 150 feet. 7 stiles.

Points of interest: The history of the French landing of 1797, the Garn Wen Burial Chamber and the village of Llanwnda.

Socialising over refreshments afterwards: The Rose and Crown, Goodwick (there may be a charge to park nearby at the Railway Station).

[Llun: “Wdig ac Abergwaun” gan nat morris ar Flickr.]

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi – Llambedr Pont Steffan

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi: 13 Ebrill 2019 – Llanbedr Pont Steffan

: Gillian Jones

Byddwn yn gadael maes parcio Clwb Rygbi, Heol y Gogledd, Llambed (SN578 486; Cod post: SA48 7HZ) am 10:30.*

Y Daith: Taith gylch ychydig tua thair milltir ar dir gwastad gan orffen erbyn 1:00 fan bellaf. Gadael y maes parcio ar fin y dre a mynd drwy gampws y Brifysgol i’r llwybr at lannau Afon Teifi, cyn troi i’r gogledd ar draws caeau i gyrraedd y briffordd (palmant) a strydoedd y dre sy’n arwain yn ôl i’r man cychwyn. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r daith ar lwybrau troed cadarn ond efallai bydd ychydig o fwd ar ôl glaw wrth groesi’r caeau.

Sticlau: dim.

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb: Hanes (3 plasty, 3 afon, 3 addoldy) a byd natur yr ardal.

Cyfle i gymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn: Caffi’r Sosban Fach (sawl opsiwn arall).

Rhannwch geir, os gwelwch yn dda, i arbed yr amgylchedd, yn enwedig os ydych yn dod o bell; os yw’n gyfleus, trefnwch gyda ffrindiau i fynd i faes parcio’r Farchnad Wartheg yng Nghastellnewydd Emlyn erbyn 9:30 i wneud hynny. Ni fydd yr arweinwyr yn trefnu hyn.

Cofiwch mai chi sy’n gyfrifol am eich diogelwch eich hunain ac felly darllenwch fanylion y daith i sicrhau eich bod yn gallu ei chyflawni heb oedi’n ormodol, a dewch â dillad addas. (Mae rhagor o nodiadau am ddiogelwch yn y Rhaglen bapur ac yma ar wefan Pethe Cylch Teifi. Gofynnwch os nad oes copi gyda chi, neu edrychwch ar y blog.)

Cofiwch hefyd fod dysgwyr yn dod i gerdded gyda’r grŵp er mwyn cael cyfle i sgwrsio â Chymry lleol. Da chi, agorwch sgwrs â nhw pan allwch. Diolch yn fawr.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: 13 April 2019 – Lampeter

Leader: Gillian Jones

We’ll leave the Rugby Club car park, North Road, Lampeter (SN578 486; Postcode: SA48 7HZ) at 10: 30.

The Walk: A circular walk of about three miles on level ground, finishing by 1:00 at the latest. Leaving the car park on the edge of the town and going through the University campus to the path leading to the banks of the River Teifi, before turning north across fields to reach the main road (pavement) and the streets of the town leading back to the starting point. Most of the walk is on firm footpaths but there may be some mud after rain when crossing the fields.

Stiles: none.

Points of interest: History (3 mansions, 3 rivers, 3 places of worship) and the natural history of the area.
A chance to socialize over refreshments: Sosban Fach Café (several other options).

Please share cars to save the environment, especially if you come from afar; if convenient, you could arrange with friends to go to the Cattle Market car park in Newcastle Emlyn by 9:30 to do this. This won’t be organized by the leaders.

Remember that you are responsible for your own safety, and so read the details of the walk to ensure that you are able to complete it without too much delay, and bring suitable clothing. (There are more notes about safety in the paper Programme, and on the Pethe Cylch Teifi website.) Please ask if you don’t have a copy.

Remember too that Welsh will be the language of the walk, so if you are beginning to learn you may not be able to follow much of what is said but it is an ideal opportunity to use all the Welsh you have learned and you can ask others to give you the gist – but please try to avoid using ‘English-only’ in any conversation.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi – Ardal Aberteifi a Patch

Llun: Traeth Patch, o wefan Darganfod Ceredigion

9 Chwefror 2019

Arweinydd: Pob Thomas

Byddwn yn gadael y maes parcio (tâl) ar bwys yr hen archfarchnad ar lan Afon Teifi (SN 175 459; Cod post: SA43 1HR) am 10:30.

Y Daith:  Taith unffordd ddwy awr o ychydig yn llai na 3 milltir ar dir gwastad; byddwn yn dilyn Llwybr yr Arfordir yr holl ffordd i’r maes parcio rhwng Penyrergyd a Gwbert (Jubilee) lle gosodir ceir ymlaen llaw i fynd a’r gyrwyr yn ôl i Aberteifi; dwy filltir ar lwybr troed (a all fod yn fwdlyd mewn mannau) i Nantydderwen a’r filltir olaf ar y palmant wrth ochr y ffordd.  Dim sticlau.

Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb:   Hanes a byd natur yr ardal.

Cymdeithasu dros luniaeth wedyn: Caffi Gorffwysfa’r Pysgotwyr wrth y man cychwyn

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers:

February 9, 2019

Cardigan and Patch Area 

Leader: Pob Thomas

We’ll leave the car park (paying) adjacent to the old supermarket on the River Teifi (SN 175 459; Postcode: SA43 1HR) at 10:30.

The walk: A one-way walk of two hours, just under 3 miles on flat ground; we’ll follow the Coastal Path all the way to the car park between Penyrergyd and Gwbert (Jubilee) where some cars will have been left in advance to take the drivers back to Cardigan; two miles on a footpath (which can be muddy in places) to Nantydderwen and the last mile on the pavement by the side of the road. No stiles.

Points of Interest: The history and nature of the area

Socializing over refreshments afterwards: The Fisherman’s Rest Café at the starting point.