Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr 2020 – Ceredigion / Powys / Sir Gâr

Canolfan y Celfyddydau, Aberystwyth, 27 Mawrth 2020, 6.00yh – 10.00yh

Eleni, a’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn dod “adre” i Geredigion, mae adran Dysgu Cymraeg wedi dod ag Eisteddfod y Dysgwyr adre i Aberystwyth. Mae’r Eisteddfod rhanbarthol hon wedi mynd o nerth i nerth yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gyda’r un llynedd yn Aberhonddu yn denu mwy o gystadlaethwyr nag erioed. Aeth dwy ddysgwraig o ardal Aberteifi ymlaen i ennill ym mhrif gystadlaethau i ddysgwyr yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn Llanrwst, ar ôl rhoi min ar eu beiros yn yr Eistseddfod i Ddysgwyr.

Ar y noson bydd gwledd o berfformio a chystadlu ar y llwyfan, mewn naw o gatergoriau gwahanol – gweler y rhaglen am fanylion pellach. Hefyd, bydd arddangosfa o waith celf a chrefft gan ddysgwyr y tri sir, a beirniadaeth ar y cystadlaethau llenyddol.

I gystadlu (pob cystadleuaeth) mae rhaid i chi lenwi’r ffurflen yma a’i hanfon at Meryl Evans cyn 6 Mawrth 2020 neu e-bostio’r manylion isod ati: mee25@aber.ac.uk

Bydd rhagbrofion i’r cystadlaethau llwyfan os bydd llawer yn cystadlu.

Rhaid i’r gwaith celf gyrraedd Canolfan y Celfyddydau, Aberystwyth rhwng 3yp a 4yp ar ddiwrnod yr Eisteddfod, sef 27 Mawrth 2020. 

Tudalen Facebook ar gyfer yr Eisteddfod

Mae copïau printiedig o’r rhaglen yn Nhŷ Cadwgan – gofynnwch i’ch tiwtor.

Aberystwyth Arts Center, 27 March 2020, 6.00pm – 10.00pm

This year, with the National Eisteddfod coming “home” to Ceredigion, the Learn Welsh department has brought its Learners’ Eisteddfod home to Aberystwyth. This regional Eisteddfod has gone from strength to strength in recent years, with last year in Brecon attracting more competitors than ever. Two learners from the Cardigan area went on to win in the main learner competitions at the National Eisteddfod in Llanrwst, after honing their biros at the Learners’ Eisteddfod.

On the evening there will be a feast of performing and competing on stage, in nine different categories – see the program for further details. There will also be an exhibition of art and craft work by learners from the three counties, and adjudication of the literary competitions.

To compete (in all competitions) you must complete the form here and send it to Meryl Evans by 6 March 2020, or email her the details: mee25@aber.ac.uk

We may need to hold a
preliminary round for stage events should there be a large number of contestants.

Artwork must arrive at the Eisteddfod at Aberystwyth Arts Centre between 3.00-4.00pm on 27 March 2020.

Facebook event page for the Eisteddfod.

There are printed copies of the programme in Tŷ Cadwgan – ask your tutor.

Llyfr Glas Nebo – Aberystwyth – 17/18 Chwefror 2020

Ffenomenon ôl-apocalyptaidd Manon Steffan Ros yn cael ei thrawsnewid i’r llwyfan.

Wrth i’r llwch lonyddu ar ôl apocalyps niwclear, mae Rowenna a’i phlant Siôn a Dwynwen yn wynebu byd lle mae bywyd yn diflannu’n gyflym.

Cofnodir eu stori mewn llyfr bach glas wrth i’r teulu geisio goroesi digwyddiad a gafodd effaith ddychrynllyd ar drigolion pentref Nebo a thu hwnt.

Mae Llyfr Glas Nebo yn stori am fywyd, marwolaeth a gobaith. Mi fyddwch chi’n chwerthin. Mi fyddwch chi’n crio. Ond yn fwy na dim, mi fyddwch chi’n cwestiynu sut rydyn ni’n byw, caru a gofalu am ein byd o’n cwmpas ni heddiw.

Bydd sgwrs ar ôl perfformiad 17/01 y sioe.

Bydd sgwrs cyn sioe ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg am 6.30pm ar 18fed Chwefror yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Aberystwyth.

Mae’r perfformiad 18/01 o Llyfr Glas Nebo yn cynnwys cyfieithiad ar y pryd i’r rheini sydd ddim yn siarad Cymraeg. Bydd yr uwchdeitlau yn ymddangos ar ochr chwith y llwyfan (wrth i chi wynebu’r llwyfan).

Archebwch tocynnau ar wefan y Ganolfan, neu trwy ffonio 01970 62 32 32


Os ydych chi am ddarllen, neu ail-ddarllen, y nofel cyn mynd at y sioe, cofiwch bod Richard wedi paratoi geirfa i ddysgwyr ar gyfer y llyfr.

Stage adaptation of Manon Steffan Ros’ post-apocalyptic phenomenon.

As the dust settles after a nuclear apocalypse, Rowenna and her children Siôn and Dwynwen are facing a world where signs of life are quickly disappearing.

Their story is recorded in a little blue book as the family tries to survive an incident that has a devastating effect on the inhabitants of the village of Nebo and beyond.

Llyfr Glas Nebo is an unflinching story about life, death and hope. You will laugh. You will cry. But above all, you will question how we live, love and care about the world around us.

There is a post-show talk after the performance on 17/02

There is a pre-show talk for Welsh learners at 6.30pm on the 18th February at Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

English Surtitles
The 18/02 performance of Llyfr Glas Nebo will have simultaneous translation for non-Welsh speakers. The surtitles will appear on the left hand side of the stage (when facing the stage).

Book tickets on the Arts’ Centre website, or by phone 01970 62 32 32


If you’re thinking of reading, or re-reading, the novel before going to the show, remember that Richard has prepared vocabulary sheets for Welsh learners.